Friday, May 28, 2010

the better choice

Buying locally is much healthier. Fresh and natural is much better than preservatives and junk. Sometimes people can only afford to buy from the companies and that is understandable. That can because of the enconomy or other things. But if you have the choice you should chose locally.


Company owned stores use the fact that there food is cheaper and tastes great to get people to shop there. But is cheaper worth the health risks? Risks include things like heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Those are only some. Is it really worth the risk for a little convince?


The conflict is usually between being healthier and saving money. Buying locally is healthier though big companies save you money. Though now there are companies that help you buy locally and save money. there is farm to school. There are lots of other like it.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Local grown foods are better for you but they are more expensive. They are more expensive because they are better quality. They are better quality because they don't have preservatives and they are very fresh when you buy them. Also buying locally helps support your community. It helps the community by giving money family farmers instead of big companies.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The big guy

Its pretty obvious that just about everyone in America has bought from a big company at some point in their lives. Though for different reasons. Some because it is the cheapest option others because its more convenient. Did you that buying fruit and vegetables from big companies is so much less healthier then buying them locally. The reason is that big companies have to import them from far away and add preservatives. While local farmers don't have to.